May 30, 2011

Did not mean to disappear./

Oh my gosh, you guys. Blogspot/Blogger just hated me this past week. Every time I tried to go to Blogspot, I got this:

So annoying. But then I tried instead today, and that decided to work. Tech is so weird.


Happy Memorial Day to those who are celebrating it. :) For everybody else, Happy Monday! ...Yeah, sorry about that.

I actually wanted to tell you guys about this really awesome website called It's kind of like Write or Die, but more reward-centered instead of punishment-centered. It encourages you to write at least 750 words every day, and you can get these neat badges. It also analyzes what you write to show a bunch of things. Here's a link to one of my analyses.

So yeah, you should definitely check it out! It's really cool.


  1. Yeah, Blogger was being funky for me too. I didn't post much last week and didn't even read my usual blogs because some of those were funky and I couldn't comment. Hopefully all of the issues are worked out now!

    (Ugh, just tried to log in and I STILL can't log in to comment! But this is Erin from Quitting My Day Job...)

    Thanks for sharing that link! Very cool! I'm totally going to use it. =)

  2. Yeah, I don't know. Blogspot is still showing the 404 message. :/ What is going ON over there?
    But yeah, no problem! I thought it was pretty neat.
