August 31, 2011

Swoon, Blogger, swoon.

Seriously, Blogger's new layout is really nice. Much cleaner-looking.

Anyways, today's the last day of Camp NaNo. I'm probably not gonna make it (close to 31K right now, soo...). But I don't feel like this month's been a loss because I got a lot of short stories written. They're just... really short. :) Plus I've been experimenting with style, which is always fun. Swinging in between third person and second person, and present and past tense. Still hate writing in first person.

I think a big part of it was that it didn't really feel like NaNo, so there wasn't really a big rush to write more than usual. So... yeah. Still planning on participating in November, and hopefully winning this time.

Finally, you guys should check this kid out. He has crazy talent.

1 comment:

  1. Depending on your time zone, you might not have to give up yet -- my friend (the mad one doing novels in both July and August) wrote 20k in seven hours on the last day of July, so it's doable... Not ideal, but doable...
    Congratulations on 31k though!
