May 1, 2011

Sunday Scraps

...Because I was really busy on Friday and Saturday. Heh, sorry.

1) School-wise... exams went fine. Don't really care how I did, just happy the semester is over. :)

2) This book trailer for Skary Childrin and the Carousel of Sorrow is pretty brilliant. It reminds me a lot of A Series of Unfortunate Events because there is such... joy in its complete and utter misery (just watch the video, it'll make sense). Also, I'm really excited for this book because I've been watching Katy Towell's flash movies for six years. SO YEAH.
(The video won't embed, so you actually have to follow the link. And yeah, you should definitely watch her short films. They're marvelously dark.)

3) You know you might be a little sleep-deprived when...'re writing in a notebook, and when you hit a bump in the story, you start hitting the notebook against the table and yell "Move, story, moooove!"... refer to your handwriting as font...
...and you forget that you can kind of draw cows.
It is a little embarrassing that all three of these things happened within an hour.

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